tel: 07707 484251
Men's Sheds:
What's the big idea?
Read on and find out

We are a group of mainly older men who have fun doing things together and getting involved. For many, a Men’s Shed is like a large garden shed well-equipped with workbenches and a range of machine and hand tools. Using their skills and knowledge, members work together on practical projects that benefit the local community. For others, it's the social side with weekly meetings, talks, activities and outings. Next to our workshop, we built a social extension for games, activities or chat over a cup of tea.
The big idea is that a Shed is a friendly and inclusive place to build new social networks and friendships; talk about the issues and experiences that affect our lives; and share our skills. It’s well known that a sense of purpose and social activity have a very positive effect on health and well-being. By working ‘shoulder to shoulder’ we aim to reduce social isolation and promote active and healthy lifestyles in later life.
Sheds are intentionally informal in approach and welcome men (and some women) from all walks of life – whatever their working backgrounds - including those who can be the hardest to reach.
SHEDline News:
The ROG Play Structure Complete
After several months' work RMS have completed the refurbishment and repainting of the Romsey Opportunity Group play structure at the Appletree Centre. Many thanks to Andy who led the project.
If we could help you with a community project -
email us at - romseymensshed@gmail. com
Or for our Facebook page.

​Having fun, working together, helping in the community
We’ve taken on dozens of practical projects around Romsey and enjoy working for the benefit of the community. We’ve made planters, fixed shelves, decorated rooms, and repaired play equipment - all for local organisations that help the young, disabled, old and families. We’ve helped at the Mayor’s picnic, the relay marathon and other community events. On the last Saturday of each month we run a RepairShed where people bring in small items for for repair. So far some people have brought in around 150 items - and we've repaired 85% of them. Please to see more of how we help in the community.
We recycle wood to make bird, bug and bat boxes for sale directly or through local craft markets, and they are proving very popular. We also make and donate items for local charity shops to sell. We built our social extension as a place for tea and chat, games. We meet weekly at the Dr Peter Centre on Wednesday mornings, and we have active social events such as walks, trips, fishing, and photo challenges. See our video from Southampton Local TV

Men's Sheds started over 20 years ago in Australia. Part of a national movement, there are well over 500 sheds in the UK with close to 40 in Hampshire. Here in Romsey we've built our shed and outside workspace on the site of the Romsey School (immediately on the left by the front gates).
In short, we're an independent, registered charity and self-help group. Since 2016 our membership has grown to around 70. And we're always keen to welcome new members.
The new ROG play train assembled by RMS members
WHY NOT GET IN TOUCH? Email: romseymensshed@gmail.com
Find out more on our membership page, or for what's on see our SHEDule page.
Visit our Facebook page or leave a message on 07707 484251.